We become what we practice.

Every month

✓ Quarterly PRACTICE journal (PDF)
✓ A seat for PRACTICE LIVE each month
✓ Member exclusive discounts
✓ A private community Discord thread
✓ A growing library of resources
Every month

✓ Quarterly PRACTICE Journal (PDF + at cost hardcopy option)
✓ A seat for PRACTICE LIVE each month
✓ Member exclusive discounts
✓ Private community Discord thread
✓ *Plus: Weekly Chant Gathering, Sundays 10 am pst.

15% off your first Month. ~

15% off your first Month. ~


Get 15% off your first month of membership with the codes WELCOMEP1 for BASE PRACTICE membership, and WELCOMEP2 for PRACTICE Gold!

What’s your obsession with practice, Meg?

Practice is Alchemy.

We become what we practice. We become what we draw our time, energy, attention, actions and focus towards. It therefore matters that what we practice is of fine quality.

The resources and community of the PRACTICE container bring us more in touch with the inner life material that informs how we do what we do.

Each small step matters. As we practice, we weave a web that holds the preciousness of our dreams, visions and hope (vision with expectation of that vision being possible).

As we practice, we move the ineffable into the practical.

And, it’s sweeter to be in practice with friends!

A big call in this life for me is daily practice, which I began exploring when I was 17 as a way to be more with myself and in the world. In December of 2015 I practiced making 30 faces in 30 days, and that launched me into my current exploration of painting every day. For 2740 days I made a painting every day — and now I’m following the call to simply paint everyday and to practice working on longer arc visitations with my inner life.

My daily practice by all appearances is about painting — but it’s really MORE than that. It’s about staying present to myself through visiting the blank page. After 15 years of “messing around” with a variety of things ranging from yoga, meditation and journaling to writing a pantoum poem, I landed in it with paint and have since come more alive.

For many years my practice was about trusting the process — and now there’s an additional quality of savoring the process. To trust the process, I needed to make decisions and witness myself work it out when things didn’t go as planned. I needed to witness myself follow through with a vision even if it didn’t perfectly match what was in my mind or turn out in a way I liked. Making a painting every day for nearly 8 years supported me in developing trust and confidence in myself and the process.

The shift towards savoring the process this year is bringing me to unexpected depths because I trust the process. Savoring the process has brought a dropping of urgency, which is reaching into all areas of my life. There is no static right size of my practice each day, it’s living.

Practice has revolutionized my inner and creative life.

Here’s some of the gold I’ve found in daily practice:

  • Tending my callings and desires each day with devotion.

  • Reclaiming some time each day to go in my own direction. Much of my work and natural way leads me to tend others, and my practice gives me time and soul food to tend myself.

  • Transformation through small acts that cultivated trust and confidence from within.

  • Encountering more of myself than previously imagined. I am So Much More than the too small stories of who I think I am.

  • Developing resiliency and welcoming more of myself to the deliciously full banquet table of my life.

  • More presence in the process, which is deeply human - versus exaggerated emphasis on product, which divorces us from belonging, earth, and being fully human.

What gold might you find in practice?

This inquiry is what drives me in creating space that is safe enough for us to explore being in practice beside each other.

A place safe enough to imperfectly return to.

A place to “f*ck around and find out,” haha!

Within the PRACTICE community there are rich and deep conversations about what it means to have spiritual and creative discipline and pathways to one's interior within our current spiritual context without exterior pressure or coercion while still offering right size influence as we walk beside each other. We practice being in community — and practice re-membering what that really is through opportunities to be in vulnerability, play and deep talks with each other. We breathe a lot, and laugh and pause and really listen to each other.

All are welcome: creatives, mystics, contemplatives, generative disruptors and wild ones. Let’s see what we can make beside each other!

If this lights you up, know you’re always welcome.

What’s included in practice membership?

  • Quarterly PRACTICE journal

    Filled with invitations and stories of experience to support you in creating and sustaining a daily or regular practice


    A monthly live broadcast where folx from all over the world come and share their practice and stories of experience.

  • Archive

    Members have access to prior journals, PRACTICE LIVE recordings and a growing library of resources.

  • Weekly Chant

    Gold members ($35 a month) are invited to participate in our weekly community chant service — and other live events tbd.

Ready to join? 


$15 a month

  • Quarterly Journal




$35 a month

Everything in PRACTICE Base membership, AND includes a Weekly Chant Gathering on Sunday’s at 10 am pst.

What they’re saying about practice:

  • "can community, alchemy, and wisdom be harnessed in a zoom? Yes! Meg's chant gatherings and other offerings are an integral part of my creative and spiritual life."

    Kay Kay

  • "They say when the student is ready the teacher appears. I certainly found that to be the case with Meg and PRACTICE. I could never get started with daily creative practice but Meg showed a way forward. Her book Don't Just Do Something, Be Here has also been integral to my daily practice and wellbeing. I am so glad that PRACTICE is part of my life!"

    Jacqueline Manni

  • "I find practice to be a good space to connect to practices that are more than for, or about the individual. The pressure to have a practice conforms to the predominant individualist narrative that stymies most people I meet. Engaging with others to explore, develop, and create, expands what practice can mean and leaves plenty of room for mistakes, missteps, and nopes! Practice welcomes people from so many different backgrounds, I really appreciate the expansiveness and generative possibilities that get sparked by participating in this community."

    Hank Meadow

  • Desiree Duell

    “Meg’s the perfect guide for anyone who wants or seeks an artistic practice at any stage of their practice journey from beginner to professional. She inspires not only through her own practice and experiences but also through her speaker series every month. Her unique holistic and gentle approach nourishes anyone who in interested a creative practice whether it be personal or professional.”

    Desiree Duell


Are you curious about this month’s guest, but aren’t ready to commit to membership? Please, be our guest! Offering options to join us start at just $5, and you’ll receive the playback link after the live.